In addition, at my request, my wife was placed on the blmis payroll and for many years received compensation for a no-show job. 此外,在我的要求下,我的妻子在BLMIS领取工资,多年以来只是吃空饷。
The request processor is tasked with the job of pulling requests off the queue and executing the "long running" 10 second capitalization process. 请求处理器负责将请求消息放入队列并仿真执行一个10秒的“长时间”运转过程。
Next, request the MapReduce job for grep. 接下来,请求用于执行grep的MapReduce作业。
If the request arrives from the Web, an automatic program does the same job. 如果请求从Web到达,则会有一个自动程序执行同样的工作。
Note that you need to select the property Leave Request in Job database when creating the CSLD job so that the successful job is not automatically removed after archiving. 注意,当创建CSLD任务时,需要选择属性LeaveRequestinJobdatabase,这样在归档之后成功的任务不会自动被删除。
Your email request could sound something like this: I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with me about the assistant manager job last week. 你可以这样发一封电子邮件:我真的十分感谢上周您花时间和我谈了助理经理这份工作。
For example, a security policy would prevent people from changing their own job title and instead route a request for a job title change to the appropriate authority. 例如,某项安全性策略防止某个人更改他或她的职位,但能将职位更改请求发送给具有相应权限的人。
The request may seem to be in response to an application you have made on a job site, or it may just be an "employer" who has found your resume in the name-a-job-site's database. 此类“招聘者”往往是在某个求职网或上看到你的求职申请,或者是在某个名为“求职网”网站数据库里看到你的简历,然后向你提出了上面的种种要求。
Grid is a distributed environment that integrates isomerous resources, so that it puts forword higher request for job submission and scheduling. 网格是一个分布式的异构资源环境,对作业提交和调度提出了更高的要求。
She has neither asked for even single day's leave, nor did she request to change her job to protect herself from eradiation. 她甚至没有请过一天假,或是要求更换工作岗位。
Tom's boss slammed the door on his request for a job transfer. 汤姆要求调任时,他的老板让他吃了闭门羹。
If you request a salary higher than the range for the job, the interviewer will tell you you're high, and you've just lost work ( money). 如果你要求的薪水高于你所要从事的这份工作的薪水范围,那么面试官会告诉你这个数字太高了,那么你就要丢掉这份工作的机会。
Data movement request was skipped because the job was cancelled. 由于作业被取消,数据移动请求被略过。
As an application to JDF, an implementation of JDF/ PrintTalk is shown by encoding a Request for Quote ( RFQ) for a business card print job. 作为对JDF的应用,本论文结合PrintTalk用一个商务名片印刷作业的报价请求RFQ(RequestforQuote)进行了编码,作为对JDF/PrintTalk的一个实现。
In order to meet the request from network adjusting peak of load, larges cale unit will stop operation for a period. To ensure the safety of boiler in this period of time, it is an important job to prevent heat surface metal of boiler from oxidation. 大型机组为适应电网季节性调峰的需要有可能停运一段时间,为保证锅炉长期停(备)用期间的安全,防止锅炉受热面金属氧化是一项非常重要的工作。
It is according the user's services request and the status of grid resources to decide how to schedule one grid job. 它是根据用户的个性化服务需求、网格资源的负载信息、资源处理能力、资源可用数量以及最大化资源效益等因素,综合权衡进行任务调度。
Have put forward the request reformed further for technological structure of education of the job, mode, course offered, content of courses, teaching method. 这对于职业技术教育体制、模式、课程设置、教学内容、教学方法提出了进一步改革的要求。
We are required to obey it in conformity with the request of the principal education, and do a good job of students 'communities of the university further in it. 这就要求我们必须顺应主体性教育规律的要求,进一步做好高校学生社团工作。
Only to pay attention to the development of a student all-round, harmonious, they can adapts to the request of social development and competition of job market. 只有关注学生全面、和谐的发展,才能使其适应改革开放的社会发展和就业市场竞争的要求。
It is the essential request of implementing scientific concept of development and the embodiment of the Construction of Society with the emphasis on the improvement of the ecological environment to make a good job of the graduate employment. 做好高校毕业生就业工作是落实科学发展观的本质要求,是加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设的具体体现,也是实现经济社会又好又快发展的重要保障。